Gays hassled


Ripples of discontent have come from many transvestites and transsexuals who have come to the conclusion' that the Gay move- ment is not valuable to their manifestation and they may form groups of their own. This group has always been the vanguard of the Gay world and has been the recipient of most of the ridicule and attacks directed against the Gay community, and has often been attacked and exploited by the Gay community itself. The impact of the book and film "Myra Breckinridge” upon the public will swell the ranks of this group tremendously and if this group becomes organized to any extent it may become the true vanguard of Gay Liberation in every sense. The addition of the incredible genius of this group to the quest for human freedom in a political context will be quite valuable to society.

The GLF supports the rights of transvestites and transsexuals and encourages secret TVs to leave the closets and get into the streets. Some TVs have par- ticipated in GLF actions, but will eventually organize among them- selves out of necessity unless more support is given to their life-style by the existing Gay groups. As many of the Gay groups are seeking respecta- bility and social acceptance, they have no use for the "drag queens” which they feel will hinder ac- ceptance of the homosexual. The TVs do not feel that they must conform to robotic, masco-fem- inine divisionist thinking and li- mit themselves for any reason,

Male 45 TV would like to meet masc types of friends, Give phone no. for quick response. Write POB 5074, Santa Ana 32704.

Bi w/m 24 seeks couples or trans- vestites. Any race. P.O. Box 15702 San Diego, Calif. 92115.

Pretty transvestite would like to meet sexy men, bi gals and other TV's Send photo, phone to Pat La Madrid, 525 N. Laurel Ave., Los Calif. 90048.


AFFECTIONATE T.V. wants boy friend-?? to 35. Service men welcome, also. Photos ans. 1st. Love, Diana, POB 7305, Long Beach 90807


Sexy affect by w/m, 40, mar, POB 1121, Huntington Bch, 92647.



TRANSVESTITE ACTION ORGANIZA- TION now forming. 484-1094. Melamar

gandinud Neur-

TV who is bi and married would ATTR TV'S like to meet someone who is inter- ested to exchange ideas. Wife ap- proves and would meet a couple, age group 30 to 45. Must be intell- igent. Write and give phone if noss. to Robert Lite Worth





miss your monthly. Subscribe now. Only $3.00 yearly. Join our growing circle of friendly TV's and look every inch a


Well built male seeks skinny gals or 61 transvestites for greek and/or French. Photo. Discreet, any age 6. Azusa, Calif.


ATTRACTIVE T.V. TV needs mate, or generous guy, for relation, or-??; be my in- spiration; foto & honesty assure ans. Lin, POB 7305, Long 90807.



Very attrac., tall, masc. seeks extra yng., feminine Tv's & QUEENS. PO 5911 Santa Monica




Mature generous w/m seeks young TV. Would like photo which will be returned. You will be a winner if you answer this ad. Replies to: Box- holder, PO Box 20838, LA 90006.